24 Janar, 2025


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11 thoughts on “Kontakti

  1. Ndeshje let’s nuk isn’t per euro ski Pacific per per international per WBC ne pushed e mesme, bashkim Mertiri tirane

  2. Ndeshja e ketes nuk ishte per euro azi Pacific por per international per WBC ne peshen e mesme, Bashkim Mertiri tirane

  3. Dear sports friends,
    My name is Jelena Pribić, I am Technical Secretary of Serbian Boxing Federation. I kindly ask you for a contact of Mr.Memet Bogujevci, recipient of national pension of Republic of Serbia. This year all pensions will be paid by the Ministry of Sport instead of Serbian Olympic Committee. That is why we need his phone number to contact him about some details.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Kind regards,
    Jelena Pribić
    +38164 150 3160

  4. Pershendetje kem deshiren te antarsona ne ket website
    Une vi nga Gjakova-Kosova jom talen i ri i boksit ju pershendes!

  5. Ju lutem,ne cilin kanal TV do ketë transmetim nga boxmeqi Joshua – Kliçko ?
    Flm !

  6. Hello sir,

    i would like to invite you to our world pan amateur championship of kick boxing which will take place in Grecce this year.I have seen that you participated in 2013 in Athens.
    Can I have an email of you in order to provide you more information about it in case you would be intrested.

    Thank you in advance.

  7. Jam i angazhuar ne sportin e boksit si trener edhe si gjyqtar jam i interesuar mu ba antar,,

  8. Good Morning!
    I’m Patryk and I’m Polish fan of boxing. I have one question to You. I’m looking for any video from first fight Luan Krasniqi-Przemysław Saleta. In Poland this fight wasn’t transmitted and it’s very hard to find in Internet. I saw rematch and I’m wonderring how Saleta won it. Can You help me find a video from this fight? I would be a real grateful for help me in this problem.

    Best regards from Poland

Lini një Përgjigje

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